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BP – Resourcing For Remote Locations

BP – Resourcing For Remote Locations

The Background

Our relationship with BP goes back to 2005 when we won the tender for indirect procurement contract recruitment. Our ongoing success, depth of knowledge and the relationships we developed since then has led to our appointment onto the PSLs for every area of procurement and supply chain recruitment for both temporary and permanent appointments.

Our Approach

It’s a true partnership approach. We assisted in rolling out a new recruitment process and improved engagement with second tier suppliers.  We have also aided BP in rolling out spotlight calls regarding roles to all PSL partners  as well as undertaking various value add services such as rate card analysis  for contractors and benchmarking.  And of course, because of our stellar network, we have an unbeatable track record in filling the vast majority of their procurement and supply chain roles.

The Outcome

We now cover all procurement and supply chain recruitment across EMEA and have been their number one supplier since day one. We work a medium volume of roles per month at all levels including those in remote and dangerous locations. Our rigour to compliance has resulted in a no failings whatsoever when regularly audited.   
